
DVD : 2/5 Rating : Word Wars

Rotten Tomatoes
Trailer (official website)
Official Website
Blue Dot

saw this documentary on scrabble and four people via-ing for WORLD SCRABBLE CHAMPIOOOOON! mainly got this sucer cause it seemed interesting + saw a few dots from friends about a book called 'word freak' which is a book about the competitive scrabble world.

the documentary follows four people who are ranked within the top 25 and follows them for 9 months leading up to the wold championship. it's fairly interesting - but i think it hurt that i had talked to my friends about some of the crazy stuff that these people do - so when the documentary exposed their lifestyle i was kinda like - yeah... i knew that already.

it also felt like they excluded a lot of random gems to make the story arc. i say this cause in the bonus section they have random footage which they didn't use - which are humorous. i.e. interviewing two older ladies. when asked what one gave up - she states - i gave up sex. it's the best thing i ever did. lol.

if you know nothing about the world of competitive scrabble then you'll enjoy this documentary - but if you know a wee bout it then you'll be left with just the story arc - which isn't too exciting. the peeps they followed doesn't have much charisma i felt and didn't really care who won or lost.

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