
DVD : 3/5 Rating : Empire of the Wolves

Rotten Tomatoes
Trailer (french)
Blue Dot

saw 'empire of the wolves' the other day and here's my review. it's pretty darn good! the movie - as i see it - is in three parts. part one: creepy! - part two: mystery + twist. - part three: build up + conclusion. in that sense it kinda threw me of initially - cause the first 1/3 of the movie seems like it's gonna be a horror flick (meaning - it has some visually gross stuff... so if it's not your thing - look away) but after that it goes in deeper to solving a mystery...

the mystery is great - there are multiple characters all unique which all seems to be converging. some characters : young cop trying to find a serial killer. corrupt cop who was fired - but knows the turkish underwold. government official wife whose memory is failing her. the serial killer. those are the four main characters - but they have a slue of supporting casts which are all very well played out & given time to develope.

overall - a very entertaining movie. my only grip was the very end... it ended too 'neatly.' i dislike movies that end too neatly - especially when the whole movie was spent building up towards the end... where you're wondering - what the shits gonna happen next! and then it's... oh - is that all. :(

but still a good mystery story with lots of twists and turns you don't expect (i didn't). if you're up for a mystery - this would be a good flick.

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